spottie ottie dopalicious angel neck smelling sweeter than a plate of yams with extra syrup
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Not too long ago she posted a youtube video of herself singing "Somewhere over the rainbow" a capella in her bathroom. It was a hit! Everyone loved it! She just posted a video of herself singing "Change is gonna come" a capella and i'm FLOORED again.
So, to be random . . . and breathe life back into this blog . . . here's her latest video . . .
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Writer's block . . .
anybody got a spare poem i could borrow? lol.
FYI I'm saving all of my MFA/poetry talk for an end of the semester "recap" . . . so stay tuned . .
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I'm not a Good Student . ..
Too bad I'm not as good at playing a good blogger, lol.
In short, my first 3 or so weeks of school have been great. I've already been overwhelmed, stressed, afraid, doubtful, hopeful, excited, anxious, giddy, and numb . . . but most of all, I've been writing! And that's whats most important to me.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tomfoolery & Shenanigans: Throw'd TV
For today's installment of Tomfoolery & Shenanigans, I bring you the good folks at Throw'd TV. I just ran across one of their videos on facebook & youtube'd them for more. Check out one of their latest videos
be sure to head over to their YT channell and comment, rate, and/or subscribe!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Loc'ing for Love! 1 Year Anniversary!

Click here for the video! I've disabled embedding b/c natural hair videos tend to "travel", lol. Feel free to comment and rate! I'd appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
Can't believe it's been a year! WOOOT!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Grab a hard hat and watch your step . . .
Friday, June 26, 2009
Love Survives, So We Can Rock Forever
Friday, June 5, 2009
A Different B!
Anyway, I'm coming to you all today with an announcement . . . its pretty big . . . I've started a new journey . . . not hair . . . not makeup . . . not MFA . . .
Yeah, that's right . . . I'm on a weightloss journey! I will not list the details of the journey here (atleast not now) BUT I do have a brand-new Youtube channell dedicated to documenting that journey called "A Different B" in which I do weekly video updates on my weighins and random videos about the journey. I invite anyone interested to check out the videos, comment, rate, and subscribe but NO PRESSURE! The videos are serving as more of a way to keep me "accountable" and release my frustrations during the journey. Also, this is NOT a vanity channell . . . its me, raw and uncut . . . happy, sad, angry . . . no glamour, no glitz! LOL. So brace yourselves.
Here's a link to my lastest video (posted yesterday)>> Week 2- A Different B
I'll be back later with another post about just what this journey entails, my feelings, updates, etc.
Thanks for sticking around! Be back soon with more posts!
au revoir.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Love is Luv: Sexy Blogger Award

- My eyes (wide, a bit different . . . usually flawlessly made up!)
- My lips (representing for the full lipped sistas!)
- My hair (I cannot tell you how many guys have randomly complimented my hair and/or tried to sneak a feel . . . loc'd ladies are in! lol)
- My boobs (well, yeah . . . ya'll get it lol)
- My legs (in my fave pair of stacked pumps? hello, calves! lol)
Who's tagged? ALL OF YOU! I read so many blogs by so many FABULOUS people, that I couldn't pick just five!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I Lay My MAC Down: Good Girl Gone Bad

Anyway, here are my looks . . . click the pics to see what products were used and such.
Good Girl- Neutral with a POP!

Bad Girl- Supercheetahcateyelicious

This was tons of fun! Especially the mini photoshoot I launched into to create my entry, lol. I can't wait to see what the new challenge will be! Thanks to all that voted for me (if you read journeyed outside of BHM to read my blog, lol).
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Luv is Love: Kreativ Blogger Award! [picheavy]

I am very honored and humbled to announce that fellow blogger and poet Kimberly from The Possibility of Being has given me the "Kreativ Blogger Award!" Wow, wow, wow!

The award comes with a few responsibilities:
- Post the award on your blog and link to the person who gave you the award.
- List seven things you love.
- Pass it on! List seven blogs you love and let those people know you’ve given them the award.
7 Loves (a little random sillyness)
Winnie the Pooh
My alma mater
My Godson
My phone
Photo Editing
7 Bloggers I'm Passing the Award To!
**click pic to go to blog!**
and everybody participating in
Oh, and no one is OBLIGATED to pass this on or anything like that! Just a fun little thing to show you all how much I enjoy your little piece of blogland!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A look back in Hairstory!

(1) High School Senior 03-04 (2-3)College Freshman 04-05 (4) College Sophmore w/ Highlights 05 (5) College Sophmore w/ allover light color 06 (6-7) College Junior w/ black rinse 06-07 (8) College Senior 07-08 (9) College Senior Big Chop w/ a fro 08

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Open Letter: Parents w/ Small Children

To Parents w/ small children:
What happens when I accidentally knee little Timmy Toddler in the face and tip over his buggy because his mommy thought it was okay to plow into my ankle and calf? I hope we never have to find that out. Pushing a stroller does not give you the right to bulldoze through crowds of people without uttering a simple "excuse me" or "pardon us." Not only are you using your child's stroller as a weapon but you are exposing your precious cargo to the possibolity of being toppled over or smacked by flailing limbs/packages! What are you thinking? Do you not care for your child's safety? Sure, I give strollers the right away whenever I can but don't push it! Literally.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I Lay My MAC Down: St. Patty's Day Look (kinda-sorta)

Nothing special . . . fairly neutral except for the green. I've been in a makeup rut lately. I used to do wacky, crazy, bold looks every day last year but these days I just don't feel like experimenting. I've been lurking around Specktra.net checking out their FOTDs and tutorials, hoping to find some inspiration. Maybe spring will bring new looks for me.
Monday, March 9, 2009
On this day, one year ago . . .

I just want to take a moment and thank
- every single person that has commented on a post here
- all of the friends/followers in the "In Crowd"
- folks that have added B Write Back to their blog list
- and people that lurk around and read
When I started this blog a year ago, I had no idea that anybody would read it. I didn't even make a second post until a few months later, lol. Whenever I see a new person added to the "friends/followers"list . . . I get excited! And when I see new comments here, I get down right GIDDY! lol. I know that sounds silly but for a newbie blogger, those things mean ALOT!
So, thank you onc again for reading and supporting B Write Back! I look forward to many more years with you all!
Be on the lookout for more changes and new posts!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Writing Music
My iTunes/iPod has about 4400 songs and I can honestly say that I listen to atleast 90% of everything there plus a bunch of other music that I have been too lazy to add to my itunes from their CD format. So, anyone can see that I love music. I listen to music while I do everything in life . . . thanks to my iPod. So, it would only make since that there are certain pieces of music that I prefer to listen to while doing the activity that serves as my bread and butter . . .

Friday, February 20, 2009
One Month Later . . .

. . . but working hard, too.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bsquared86 Overload & Overhaul
In case you didn't notice, directly above the posts we have a new section called "Bsquared86 Overload." What is it? It's my twitter updates! Want to catch up to the minute MFA updates? Loc Updates? Mid-day rants? Music raves? Random Babble? Take a peek at the Bsquared86 Overload or, better yet, follow me on Twitter!
I joined Twitter at the urging of one of my friends and now I'm hooked. It's like bite-size blogging, lol. I don't always have time to blog but twitter is literally at my fingertips 24/7 (thanks to my handy dandy I-phone).
I started to just get a personal twitter account for fam and friends but I decided to make it open, using my blog screenname, because I want to hear from YOU!
Yes, you!
you, at your work desk, sneaking on to blogspot . . .
and you, in the campus computer lab lollygagging when you should be writing a paper . . .
and you, newly natural/loc'd beauty or makeup newbie searching for tips . . .
and you, aspiring MFA student that checks your email every 5 minutes and answers every strange phone number with a bright and cheery voice . . .
I want to here from all of you!
I want to talk to you . . . hear how your day is going . . . answer your questions . . . laugh at your fave youtube video . . . and stay up to date with your various projects and journeys. So come on over to Twitter and make yourself comfortable. If you're already on there, send me a message!

I loved my old pink-zebra background and smiling title banner/thingy but it was time for it to go! The pink wasn't rocking my socks anymore and the narrow page layout made pic croppin/resizing a pain. I was also tired of looking at myself with my TWA (read:teeny-weeny afro) when I've been loc'ing for 6 months now (WOOT!). So, yeah . . . I needed a change.
First, I was in love with a turquoise background but it didn't feel crisp enough (if that makes sense) and then I settled for a white background . . . but the white was a bit too bland. So, I decided to go back to black. It's easier on the eyes (and wattage, according to Blackle) and makes me feel all sleek and chic (ok . . . that was corny . . . I'm sorry, lol).
As usual . . . the banner was created by ME and I hope that you will respectfully leave it where it is (swiper, no swiping!).
Stay tuned for a few other structural changes . . . I'm currently at work on the sidebar . . . it feels both cluttered and empty to me, lol.
How do you like the new look? Hate it? Love it? Miss the old? Good riddance? Any suggestions? Helpful HTML tips? Leave me a comment or tweet me on twitter!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
What 6 months look like . . .

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Way more information than you need to know . . .
I'm bored and in an effort to post regularly . . . I want to share this with you all!
Facebook runneth over with these "25 random things aout me" notes and I've decided that I want to post my list (edited where I deem necessary) here for my beloved readers, especially the "In Crowd!"
25 Random things about Bsquared86
- I love "novelty" and line dances (i.e. The Heisman, Cupid Shuffle, Stanky Leg, Dutty Wine, Cha Cha Slide, Crank that _____, Electric Slide, etc.)
- My ears haven't been pierced for years (and I don't plan on piercing them). I had them pierced when I was like 9 and on my 11th birthday I got the precious gift of a doctors visit to start treatment on my keyloids . . . oh joy! Me & my clip on earrings enjoy life keyloid free!
- Writing the essays for my grad school apps make me feel stupid sometimes. . . do I even have a degree in english? lol. They're so hard!
- I have seen every episode of Fresh Prince, Cosby Show, A Different World, and Roseanne . . . but I will watch them everytime they come on and probably curse at you if you interrupt my viewing. You may already know that I love certain TV shows, though.
- I get embarassed for other people . . . hard to explain . . . but if someone on TV is about to embarass themselves I'll probably change the channell. It's wierd, I know.
- I do not have a job. I am not in grad school. I am doing nothing with my life other than filling out grad school apps right now. I'll be working by spring though. (so stop asking! . . . just kidding . . . maybe . . . not really, lol.)
- I talk really fast and I talk alot . . . wait, my bad . . . ya'll know that (in the case of blog readers, you all see that I can get a bit longwinded in my posts)
- I get super excited when spellcheck doesn't find any errors.
- My conscience is SUPER LOUD, lol. I am naturally predisposed to doing the right thing. Sorry, no bad-ass here lol. That's why I'm so nice . . . not because I like everyone, but because I just don't have it in me to be meanspirited. Good girls finish first!
- I cry easily . . . be they happy or sad times, the tears will come!
- I have a thing about collecting paper napkins from random places in my purse . . . I don't know why . . . *hangs head in shame*
- Wikipedia is my number one source for information.
- I do not drink and I never will . . . yeah, never . . . not even on special occassions . . . not even if the drink tastes like red koolaid . . . not even if I won't be able to "feel" the alcohol
- Everytime I see a commercial for a movie that's up for an Oscar I get mad because Seven Pounds isn't up for any. I mean COME ON!
- My entire room has been pink for my entire life . . . and I have not liked it . . . the entire time, lol. First bubblegum pink and now hot pink . . . thank my dad for that!
- Inside jokes are the BEST jokes . . . but only when I'm in on them!
- People keep coming to me with problems (both trivia questions and life issues) because I went to college . . . NEWSFLASH: I am neither an encyclopedia nor am I Dr. Phil. But, I help them anyway, with a smile, because I am a nice person and I usually do have an answer to their trivia and advice for their life issues. Lol.
- I am such a packrat and my room is always junky. I fear that one day Neicy Nash and the Clean House crew will show up at my door lol. And if they do I know who called them (NuDiva85!)
- I was voted Most Likely to Succeed in Middle School and High School . . . DAMN, THE PRESSURE! lol
- I don't like scary movies . . . I don't care how silly or funny they may be to you . . . I don't even like commercials for scary movies . . . and I don't care how grown I may get . . . I never will. I don't see what's fun about scaring the shit out of yourself. Nope, I don't.
- I curse . . . sometimes . . . alot . . . lol. It's my only vice . . . that and my coca cola addiction!
- It feels weird not being at my undergad institution. I haven't quite adjusted to the fact that I won't be back there for a while and when I do go back I'll just be a visitor :(
- I want to have a bunch of kids . . . a few of my own and a few adopted.
- I play Monopoly on my iPhone more than I actually talk on it. This game is ADDICTIVE!
- I have fotki photo albums where I document my hair journey (from 2004 till now) and makeup experiments. I wore my hair pressed/flatironed straight all of my life until last march. I kind of miss my straight hair, sometimes. But I love my locs!
For the record EVERYONE is tagged! Drop your list (or justa few random things about yourself) in the comment section or on your blog . . . let me know if you do so I can go check it out!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Comma Sense!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Bye Bye 08!
2008 was a great year! Two simply INCREDIBLE things happened- I graduated from college and Barack Obama won the election. The only thing that would have made the year any more complete was the Lakers winning the championship but, hey, you can't win em all!
2008 was a stressful year with rollover stress from 07 but I refuse to let anything that stressed me out in 2008 rollover into 2009. Alot of those things that stressed me were things that I couldn't control(and they often overshadowed things that I could control). This year, I am focusing on what I can control and going after those goals first (and saving my worry lines for them, lol).
So . . . here's my 'to do' list for 2009
- Driver's Licence- Yes, it's true . . . I am a grownass woman with no liscence. Don't ask why, don't ask how. Just know that I WILL have my licence soon.
- In conjunction with the aformentioned . . . some WHEELS! I'm thinking a VW Beetle or a Mini Cooper . . . I love little cars!
- TURN IN COMPLETE GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS!!! The calarts app is due tomorrow and what do I have ready? NOT A DAMN THING! No use wasting time lamenting my mistakes! And then there were 6 . . .
- Job/Work/Employment- I'm contemplating going back to my summer retail gig. Hours are being cut way down these days but HEY it's money. We'll see. I do not, do not, DO NOT want to be on the bus in this city which is why it is IMPERATIVE that I get my licence quick fast and in a hurry so I can cash in that vehicular IOU the parentals gave me.
- Visit my good friend Ms. Brown in her new city! Even though we always lived just a few blocks from eachother in SoCal I didn't meet her until I traveled to teh opposite end of the country for college! And now she's moved out of state *sad face* but I will be visiting in a couple of months *smile*.
- Get involved in my community. I really want to get involved in some type of adult literacy initiative. Know of any in SoCal? Let me know!
- Keep in contact with folks! I have friends from school that I owe phone calls from the fall and a mentor from high school that I haven't spoken to in ages. *hangs head in shame* But in 09 that shall change!
- Write regularly and seriously! If I'm going to be a writer I need to write more,point blank.
I would add "get into grad school" to the list but I have accepted that "getting in" is not so much in my control as putting my best foot forward with my application.
Anyway, that's my list as of right now. We'll check back with this in a few months and see how far I've gotten.