Friday, August 29, 2008


I'm not really a narcissist . . honestly, i'm not . . . I promise *crossing fingers behind back but realizes that you can't see me and it's harder to type that way*

Okay . . . so, two of my favorite pass-times, aside from general lollygagging and random instances of tomfoolery, are fooling around with hair and makeup. I dedicate alot of time and energy into taking care of my hair and i waste-er um- invest alot of money in makeup.

To keep up with my journey in both realms I have a fotki photo album thingamajiggy
that can be found

Basically, I have seperated my hair Journey into two parts

One section that depicts my hair trials and triumphs during college, aptly titled
It Really Was A Different World in honor of my other favorite pass time and (obsessively watching A Different World). It culminates, of course, with a series finale featuring my graduation but not before I throw in a "Very Special Episode" dedicated solely to me big chopping (hair lingo for cutting) my pressed ends off and deciding to wear my natural, glorious, amazing, nappy hair exclusively!

The next section is in the beginning stages, because it chronicles my journey to LOCDOM! Yes, friends, I am loc'ing my hair and I'm very excited. To keep with the trend of having albums related to my obsessions, I have titled this part
iLoc in honor of my love of music (get it, iLoc . . . iPod? corny I know). I begin with a "Prelude" and move into my first track "I decided (That You Are The One For Me)" in honor of the hot Solange track.

The makeup looks I choose to keep neatly stored in an album entitled,
I Lay my MAC down. There, I display the few looks that I actually capture in a decent picture. I'm getting a little better about taking pics and giving specs though.

There are a couple of other goodies in my fotki too-- like
True Life:I'm A Product Junkie, where I list most of my hair products and tools, and Who is Bsquared86?, where I display some non-hair or makeup pics that just showcase both my digital manipulation (low level graphic design)and my muse (me).

Well, that was just a little look into some stuff that I like to do in my free time . . . which is usually ALL of my time these days, lol. Hope you enjoyed it!



  1. Oh my Gawd! Thanks for checking out my blog because now I am checking out yours! You really made me laugh with this one. Love the hair power. I wrote an entire post about my hair conditioner called She's Got a Habit.

    Congrats on the decision to wait.See you at the MFA blog...

  2. Hey B,

    Congrats on getting your blog up and running. I've just started one, and, well, with the craziness that is my life, we'll see how it goes.

    You're posts have me more convinced that I should stay committed to mine, because I am working to help fill that gap in which you and I both were apparently swimming. So I wonder, have you gotten ideas of where you want to apply when you go after you MFA? Have you begun your course at UCLA yet and how is that going? I see you mentioned beginning possibly in summer of 09, are you thinking of low res programs?

    I will be starting Bennington in January. The process to get just here - as in, not even having begun - has been, every horribly wonderful thing you can think of. It's too early in my blog for you to get any insights, but I'll be happy to share the little I've learned if you have an curiosities...


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