Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tomfoolery & Shenanigans: Throw'd TV

My name is BSQUARED and I'm a youtube junkie . . . yes, it's true . . . I make rounds on youtube like folks flip thru TV stations, lol. But, that's ok . . . b/c it's free and I'm always thoroughly entertained!

For today's installment of Tomfoolery & Shenanigans, I bring you the good folks at Throw'd TV. I just ran across one of their videos on facebook & youtube'd them for more. Check out one of their latest videos

be sure to head over to their YT channell and comment, rate, and/or subscribe!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Loc'ing for Love! 1 Year Anniversary!

Ok, so technically 8/11 was my one year Loc anniversary . . . but i just made the video today, lol. So . . . happy anniversary to my Locs!

Click here for the video! I've disabled embedding b/c natural hair videos tend to "travel", lol. Feel free to comment and rate! I'd appreciate it! Thanks in advance!

Can't believe it's been a year! WOOOT!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Grab a hard hat and watch your step . . .

With the new school year approaching, I'm making some changes here at B Write Back . . . the first being a name change!

I've decided to keep the blog name simple and go with the url and my screen name, Bsquared86. I thought that a eponymous blog would be kind of wierd when I first started off but now that the blog is about more than just my journey to grad school . . . it seems fitting! (don't worry . . . the URL is the same so your bloglists and other links are not affected).

If you haven't noticed, the color scheme has been revamped . . . no more black, pink, purple, and turquoise. I wanted to brighten it up and make it fun. I've decided to go with a Bumble Bee theme of black, yellow, and white w/ red accents. The bee in the header is inside of a square . . . get it? Bee-squared? *insert goofy laugh*

So, stay tuned . . . more changes to come . . . more posts to come . . . more Bsquared86!